Bergen Scottish Society


Here are some news highlights from 2010

Haggis and bagpipes on Fedje
Bergen, 12 November 2010

Bergen Scottish Society and Bergen Pipes and Drums were invited to Fedje to help arrange a Scottish evening at Pernille Cafe. The evening was arranged by local resident and Scot Mac Ratcliffe from Lochaline, together with islanders Trond and Lena Ågotnes to celebrate the strong links between western Norway and Scotland and to bring a taste of Scotland to the island. Local newspaper Strilen published a full page article on the event, with several photographs.

Caught dancing on camera
Bergen, 24 September 2010

The Society took part in Bergen and Norway's first Amatørkulturdag on Saturday 11 September, and committee members Pat Schreuder and James Hosea were caught on camera by NRK practising their Scottish country dancing before dancing on the main stage in Greighallen. The clip was included in a feature on Amatørkulturdagen on the NRK 1 programme Norge Rundt broadcast on Friday 24th September. You can see the whole clip <a href="" data-cke-saved-href="" _blank"="">here.

Bergen Scottish Society wishes members and friends a good summer!
Bergen, 01 July 2010

The holidays are upon us and Bergen is bathed in sunshine. Let's hope the good weather lasts all summer. In the meantime the Society wishes all members and friends a good summer!

Summer barbecue cancelled due to torrential rain
Bergen, 12 June 2010

The Society had to unfortunately cancel this year's summer barbecue due to the rather un-summery weather this weekend.

We hope to be to come back to Hordamuseet for next year's summer barbecue instead.

Scots march in 17th of May parade
Bergen, 17 May 2010

Bergen Society Society took part in the Bergen 17th of May parade for the fifth year in a row. About 30 members joined the Society and Bergen Pipes & Drums for another fine parade.

A big thank you to to everyone that joined us in the parade, and to Bergen Pipes & Drums for keeping us in time!

Bergen Pipes & Drums launch new website
Bergen, 14 April 2010

After much blood, sweat and tears, Bergen Pipes & Drums launched their new website this week. The band decided to go for a more professional look, in tune with their focus on musical development and high quality playing.

You can view the new site here by clicking on the banner below:

New committee members elected
Bergen, 25 March 2010

Three committee members stepped down at this year's Annual General Meeting (AGM). Chris Kahrs, Keeper of the Tartan and founder member, has been on the committee since the Society was founded in 2005. David Robertson, Treasurer, and Craig Morton, Secretary, also stood down after each serving a two year term. The Society is very grateful for all their hard work and commitment.

Newly elected to the committee are Steven Ramage, Secretary, Susan George, Treasurer, and Eli Fogh, Keeper of the Tartan. In addition Alan Lewis was reconfirmed in the position as Information Coordinator.

Return of the haggis man!
Bergen, 19 January 2010

The Society welcomed back award winning Portobello butcher Joe Findlay, who once again made haggis at Solheim Kjøtt. Joe's recipe is over 200 year old, and his haggis is now a mainstay of the Sociey's Burns Supper, as well as proving very popular with Bergen residents and whisky societies all over Norway.

Findlay's Solheim haggis is available while supplies last.